In looking at the new Fortnite quests for Rust Lord, you’ll be happy to know the challenges are significantly easier than most of the others from this season — at least if you’re someone who plays even semi-regularly. Most of the quests are tied to tasks you’d likely complete anyway during natural play, so this is a relatively easy source of XP as we approach the end of the season.
To make this process go by even faster, we’ve got guides on all five Rust Lord quests so you can get in and out in no time. These are the new Rust Lord challenges and how to complete them in Fortnite.
Recommended reading:
Rust Lord challenge list

Scrap King Questline
As is typical with this season, you must visit Rust Lord on the map to begin the Scrap King Questline. This NPC can be found to the west of Dirty Docks.
Rust Lord challenge guide
Collect wood, metal, and stone (3)
After you’ve started the questline, we advise making your way to Weeping Woods since this area is home (or close to) many of the tasks given to you by Rust Lord. The first challenge requires you to collect wood, metal, and stone, all of which can be found in this location. Wood can be gathered from the cabins, metal can be collected from the large containers or the vehicles, and destroying rocks will grant you with stone.
Build structures at Corny Crops or Weeping Woods (20)
As you destroy structures, you’ll likely gather wood. Keep gathering enough wood to create 20 structures, which can be done with around 200 pieces.
Gather shields from Slurp Barrels (30)
There are lots of areas that contain Slurp Barrels, such as various buildings and inside the containers around the spire to the west of Weeping Woods. If you’re stuck, head to Sludgy Swamp where you’ll find an abundance of barrels waiting to be destroyed.
Hit weak points while harvesting (20)
Speaking of destruction, make sure you hit 20 weak points with your harvesting tool — indicated by the blue and red icon shown above — to complete this challenge.
Destroy structures with a vehicle (30)
And finally, make sure you pick up a vehicle and use it to destroy 30 structures around the map. Keep in mind that many objects are comprised of multiple structures, so as long as your car has enough health and gas, you should be able to destroy enough in no time. If your vehicle breaks down before you can destroy 30 structures, we advise jumping in another car to finish out the rest, even if it’s in a separate match.